List of examinations





GP consultation: BMI check, assess risk factors, life habits, clinical examination, and conclusion of the examination package


Brain check-ups and some neurological diseases with a Neurologist (screening for brain tumors and brain, aneurysms...)


Measure refractive error, check eyesight, adjust eyeglass frames


Consultation with ENT for endoscopy: check for diseases of the Ear, nose, and throat, and screen for the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer...


Cardio-vascular system assessment with Cardiologist (screening for the risk of cardiovascular disease, early diagnosis of coronary artery disease is a risk of myocardial infarction...)


Dental check up


Respiratory examination with Pneumolgist(Lung cancer screening, risk of sleep apnea and other lung diseases)


Digestive system examination


Genital-urinary system with Urologist for male


Gynecology examination (for female only) Female with Dr.Gynecologist


Assess nutritional status according to WHO


Consultation with Physiotherapist


Dr. Radiologist explain the results directly to the patient


Consultation with 01 selected specialist


FBC (Full blood count)


Blood grouping (ABO, Rh)


Liver enzymes


Total Bilirubin, direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin


Total Protein




Liver function: PT


Hepatitis B: HbsAg, HBSAb or Hepatitis B virus load measurement (HBV DNA) for Hepatitis B carrier


Hepatitis C antybody: HCV




Kidney function: Urea, Creatinin


Total cholestero, HDL-C, LDL-C, Triglycerid


Uric Acid


Fasting Blood Glucose


HbA1C: average blood glucose (sugar) levels for the last two to three months


Urine Analysis (dipstick)


Thyroid Fucntion: TSH/FT4


Total & free or ionized Calcium


Vitamin D


CRP (C- reactive protein)


Iron & Ferritin




Add on items: STI test (HIV & Urine test for Male, Vaginal swab for women, 4 common pathogens: Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Trichomonas, Mycoplasma genitalium




AFP, PIVKA II (Liver cancer)


CA 19-9 (Pancreatic cancer)


Stomach cancer: CA72-4


Squamous cell carcinoma antigen


Roma test


CA153 (Breast cancer)


Thinprep Papsmear + HPV (for female only)


PSA (Total & Free for Male only)


(Thyroglobulin), Anti-Tg (Antibody- Thyroglobulin)


Occult Blood (stomach & Colon cancer)


Lung CT scan low dose


MRI of body


Thyroid Ultrasound


Abdominal Ultrasound


Pelvic/ Prostate Ultrasound


Breast Ultrasound & Mammography


Scrotum echography






Coronary CT Scan or ECG Stress test (indicated by Cardiologist)


Doppler of supraaortic trunks


Doppler of limbs (arteries + veins)




Gastro-Colonoscopy including 2 Biopsy sites if needed


01 VIP executive suite single unit (Lotus Wings)/ 1 day/ with breakfast, lunch, dinner at wished)


01 Patient assistant support client during the HC


Lotus Health Check-up


Remarks: (*) Mammography and breast ultrasound for female over 40 years old. Breast ultrasound for female under 40 years old (+ mammography if required). Mammography for female over 70 years old (+ breast ultrasound if required by doctor)